Monday, May 19, 2014

Why Celebrities should be a jerk to you (you a jerk)

It always makes me laugh when I hear about someone meeting their idol and they put an ice cream scoop of poop on them. Why should they be nice to you? You're a nobody? You're mean to nobodies right? Nothing is more satisfying in human nature than saying "Who!?," when someone that is trying to follow their dreams name is announced. It's fun to make light of celebrities who aren't relevant anymore, so why should a celebrity be excited to meet your irrelevant face? Why because you bought a 10$ cd now you own their time off stage? Oh because you bought a ticket and watched someone be great, they owe you a picture? Nope their obligation to you is done after they give you their art. Everything after that is them being nice. They should be nice, but everyone should. We all know that isn't the case. If a celebrity is mean to you shouldn't go on Twitter instagram ie the equivalent of church people stepping on rap CDs in the street in the 90's. Remember they need you, but not really. You know how you treat people who don't directly hold the keys to your career, so expect the indifference.
Here's a little exercise for you. Make a flyer about a show you are doing, and hand it out on the street and prepare for what dicks people will be to you (except if your an attractive woman, you guys will never know reality). These are your peers, they are you. This is what a celebrity see's that nothing of a face of yours. Approach them with caution like you would anyone else. They have the right to give their honest opinion of you just like anyone else.

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