Monday, July 7, 2014

I don't smoke because I never got high/I don't see what is so good about it (What a Quitter)

I've heard this phrase several times. If you have ever uttered this phrase, you are lost my child. Hopefully this blog post will be a lantern to the current darkness you are in. Let's use beer as an example. Doesn't certain types of beers and liquors get you drunker or in a stupor faster? So why would you think all weed is created equal? Consider the person who gave you said weed. Look at them, do they seem like they smoke good weed? Does this person eat McDonald's alot? They probably don't seek good shit. He or she probably smokes regular which doesn't get people high. This isn't the 70's man, there are options out here apply yourself. People who don't get high normally drink alot, which is annoying. Alot of them say that weed doesn't effect them. Like they have some super human tolerance or something. Most smokers are the opposite and don't see the big deal about alcohol, it tastes horribly unless it's mixed well. And plus who wants to be a fan of something that makes you have a fat face and skinny body. Headaches and assortment of other bullish. Also drunk people are annoying. Always rapping about nothing. Its funny how people equate what you drink with toughness. Who cares about being able to drink alot, that's regular shit. If your gonna be intoxicated why short change yourself. I can understand if you don't do it because your job checks your pee, but other than that. I do not see the why there is so much opposition. Weed brings people together. It brings together people who wouldn't normally talk. It's funny how people view weed as something that lowers the  motivation of individuals. I'm less motivated after whacking off, should it be illegal? No. I guess because smoking is illegal there is a stigma associated, but that is slowly changing. In conclusion, if your job is not actively checking your pee your short changing yourself. Smoking weed is great, I read somewhere.

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