Monday, June 16, 2014

Why your dad left( ya mom sucks too, possibly?) A little Perspective

Disclaimer: I'm not justifying you dodging the draft that is your son. I'm just saying the guy is not the only responsible party for these kids growing up with one parent. Ladies you may suck too, in most cases.

I know your probably thinking Adrian you are an idiot for trying to say women have any part in causing this. If you're thinking this way you are probably not thinking objectively. I would say your letting your emotions on the subject determine your stance. No one wants to think that their mom sucks too. I'm sure Kim Kardashian's child will initially think her mom is not a slutty person. The fact remains that there are some mothers out there  who are no totally innocent in this situation. I know people say, "It takes two to tango", or  "If you didn't want a baby by her you shouldn't have had sex with her". That's true, but it takes two people to take part in a dumb decision. Granted the guy is a piece of shit flat out, but 9 times out of 10 you knew that already. let em put that cream in you. So now we are here. I don't understand how people complain about men (black men in particular) not being around. There is alot of guys out there who are responsible.  Most women know what kind of guy will stick around for a kid, the problem is you just don't like them. Or, You knew the dude didn't have a job when he smashed, how is he going to contribute (why are u getting mad now?). And my favorite, you know the guy doesn't really like you for real, so why are you surprised when he doesn't want the kid? Now the guy is still a piece of shit in all these scenarios, but are you innocent? No. You also hold some responsibility in this kid growing up without a father. Now there are some cases where some dudes have just flaked, I guess. Seemed like the perfect guy, but just ended up not caring about the baby and woman involved. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it is rare that there are no signs.

I'm not trying to beat up on women, I think it is commendable that they still raised the child by themselves. At the same time there should be a little perspective to the situation. Not all women are saints and dudes aren't just a gamble. I remember when I was younger I felt the same way, how could this happen? What kind of dude would leave his child to just be raised by thier mother, as I got older and saw it happen first hand. I can see why it happens and why it happens, so frequently. This is not Russian Roulette out here there are cause and effects to everything.

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